story by Gary W. Banz, VillagesOKC
Director of Veteran & Patriot Initiatives
The people who crafted our nation’s core documents gave us a Constitutional Republic based upon democratic principles. It was their common belief that “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” would function best when individual citizens were given the power to act as the ultimate authority in a self-governing society.
Do policies enacted by local school boards, municipalities, county commissioners, state, and federal leaders reflect your view of the role the government should play in the governing process? Policy decisions have consequences!
The Constitution’s preamble begins with the words, “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union. . .” From the beginning of our country it has been the engagement of concerned citizens that has brought about change. To ratify the Constitution, designed to replace the Articles of Confederation, it was an unrelenting action of “the people” that ended with a Bill of Rights being added. It was “the people” that ended slavery, expanded citizenship, and later gave the right to vote to women and eighteen-year-olds.
When you stand in front of a mirror, do you see the reflection of someone whom our nation’s founders labeled as “We the People?” Why not? Their vision was that of a people accepting individual responsibility for shaping policy that would govern the behavior of its citizens. To function as intended, each of us must do our part.
At the national level a new Congress has assembled. A new president has been inaugurated. The first week of February a new Oklahoma Legislature convenes. On February 11th elections for municipal mayor and council, school board positions, and bond issues will occur. At each level, leaders will enact policies that will impact our way of life. To borrow a phrase from a popular 1980’s film, “Who you going to call” to offer support or opposition to policy positions being considered?
Take another look in the mirror. Are you part of the solution to the challenges facing our elected leaders? Do your homework. Get involved. Show up at your precinct and make your voice heard. Attend your local city council and school board meetings. Your liberty is at stake.
For more information about Villages OKC, Call 405-990-6637 or visit https://villagesokc.org