Story by James Coburn, Staff Writer
It was at St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City where she was born that Tammy Williams remembers being hospitalized for three months after a car accident. She was only a 10-year old.
“Nurses were there for everything. They took on the role as a friend, a caretaker and a nurse as far as any dressing changes. They were a parent if I needed them to be,” said Williams, LPN, director of Nursing at Ash Street Place Assisted Living in Guthrie.
Those nurses inspired her to become a nurse.
Today, she and her nurse aides and volunteers strive to give the same quality of care and compassion to the residents of Ash Street Place. Friendly conversation with the residents makes her day.
“I like geriatrics,” she said of the residents. “They’re friendly and very important. I learn lots of things from the residents here.”
Dominoes, Bingo, and Checkers are popular games. They take trips to Walmart or other stores for shopping. Church services are held for residents on Monday evenings. On Sunday mornings some of the residents usually venture out for church services with a friend or family member. Some of the ladies get together for Bible study on Sunday evenings.
Today, she and her nurse aides and volunteers strive to give the same quality of care and compassion to the residents of Ash Street Place. Friendly conversation with the residents makes her day.
“I like geriatrics,” she said of the residents. “They’re friendly and very important. I learn lots of things from the residents here.”
Dominoes, Bingo, and Checkers are popular games. They take trips to Walmart or other stores for shopping. Church services are held for residents on Monday evenings. On Sunday mornings some of the residents usually venture out for church services with a friend or family member. Some of the ladies get together for Bible study on Sunday evenings.
Williams smiles when recalling the day that Ash Street Place administrator Joe Chappell sang at a resident’s birthday party and one of the male residents asked her to dance. A high quality of life includes a family-friendly atmosphere.
The staff is very respectful, punctual and kind, 24 hours a day, Williams said. A certified medication aide works on every shift.
“Everybody’s friendly, willing to help each other and be there for each other,” she continued. “We have several different levels of care.”
Interaction with residents, assisting them when there is a need including medications, and assistance with daily needs is provided. If there is a need for more assistance with daily activities, a resident may transition seamlessly across the street to Golden Age Nursing Facility for long-term care or skilled nursing. Williams’s exposure to nursing began at Golden Age where she was a CNA and CMA before working as an LPN there for 12 years. She graduated from nursing school at Francis Tuttle in 2000.
She sets new residents at ease by asking them about their preferences in life. She helps them blend in by knowing some of their favorite things to do. Williams lets them know that changes can be made to make them more comfortable.
They all share a good outlook on life and are as caring as the staff, she said. Among the residents is a gentleman who worked as a space engineer at NASA, another who served in the Navy during WWII, a woman who worked as a dietician in the prison system, who happens to be a direct descendent of Daniel Boone.
“She was telling us recently about when she had to go through a course of training to learn Karate,” Williams said.
Ash Street Place can accommodate up to 37 residents. It represents a strong commitment to the town as the only assisted living facility in town. The family-owned center takes care its own community of Guthrie and other residents from elsewhere.
Ash Street Place is usually the first place a Guthrie resident chooses when they need more care than is possible at home.
Many of the residents already have a community connection and often recognize other residents as their former neighbors, school chums or fellow churchgoers.
Local owners have grown up in the community. This spirit of care makes Ash Street Place, Willow Creek, Golden Age and Companion Healthcare so special.
“We are here to take care of the health care needs of the community,” said CC Crane, marketing director for Companion Healthcare. “Besides Mercy Logan — it is us. I really do think you experience that family centered approach.”
As a staple in the community, Ash Street Place must be exceptional in its standard of care. The brand of Ash Street Place is written in family and neighborly community ties of knowing that the best of care is only a step away when choosing one of Oklahoma’s finest assisted living centers.
“We’re taking care of a lot of people here that were your old schoolteacher, or your former Bible study or Sunday school teacher. Ash Street Place is the first place you would think about if you needed assisted living care,” Crane said.
Williams agrees.
“Personally, I think it’s the best place. Of course, I think Golden Age is the best place, too,” she said.
For more information on Ash Street Place visit: