CaptionCall phone on display at a recent Health Expo.
Lezley Bell talks with an attendee at a recent Health Expo about the benefits of CaptionCall.
She estimates approximately 500 persons in the Metro area have CaptionCall service in at this time.

By Marise Boehs

With CaptionCall service and phone persons with hearing loss can read their phone conversations in big, clear text with home caption phone service. They can count on instant, accurate closed caption phone calls and can keep up with conversations and connections.

The CaptionCall phone displays large, easy-to-read text that automatically captions a conversation. It dials, rings, and work just like a regular phone.

There is no cost for service or phone and delivery, installation, training and support are complimentary. The phone is hearing aid friendly and has bluetooth connectivity. Features include speakerphone, answering machine and custom audio

While the “no cost” aspect of this service often leads to skepticism, Lezley Bell, Senior Account Manager for CaptionCall by Sorenson, explains, “This is a federally funded program that is part of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We have had a tax on all our phone bills, nationwide, every month since 1990.”

No-Cost Closed Caption Phone Service

You decide how you want to use CaptionCall: customize it to your liking and try out all the features or simply pick up the phone and talk. It works like any other phone except the CaptionCall phone that comes with your service has a large interactive screen so you can turn on phone call captioning and read the text of your conversation in real time.

The phone is designed  to be technologically advanced on the inside and simple on the outside. You’ll be comfortably enjoying captioned calls right away, whether you choose our Red Carpet Service installation by one of our trainers or if you or a loved one follow our guided setup.

There’s no cost for people with hearing loss who need captions to use the phone. If you qualify for CaptionCall, you can also get our mobile captioning app, CaptionCall Mobile

How does CaptionCall work?

CaptionCall works just like any other phone call, except you don’t have to struggle to hear it. Your phone calls are transformed into text and displayed on the big, auto-scrolling screen as the person’s talking.

What are the qualifications to receive a CaptionCall phone?

Anyone who qualifies for the CaptionCall service will receive a CaptionCall phone to access their call captioning. To qualify for CaptionCall, you must have hearing loss that necessitates the use of captioned telephone service. You must complete an easy self-certification process and provide other mandatory registration information.

As part of the qualification process, Bell explained, “An applicant must verbally say yes I understand this phone is only for people with hearing loss that need captions for their phone calls.”

Does using CaptionCall impact my phone services?

No. CaptionCall works seamlessly with services from your provider, including call waiting, call forwarding, voicemail, and caller ID.