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Oklahoma owned and operated – supporting OKC seniors for more than 18 years! Call Steven or Amanda at 405-631-5100 to be included in the next issue. Visit us at or find us on FACEBOOK! Or Email us at
Published the 1st of each month and distributed to thousands of senior readers, Senior News and Living provides readers a fresh publication filled with news and features with resources for the mature reader.
Articles and advertisements in Senior News and Living do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper or Metro Publishing, L.L.C. it’s Ownership, Management or employees. We do not assume responsibility for statements made by writers or advertisers. The acceptance of advertising by Senior News and Living does not constitute and endorsement of products, services or information. We do not knowingly present any product or services which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinions of the newspaper or Metro Publishing, L.L.C. it’s Management or employees. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. COPYRIGHT © 2018-2022 METRO PUBLISHING L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
With over 100 years of combined newspaper publishing, editing, graphic design, sales and marketing experience, Senior News And Living welcomes the opportunity to work with you! If you have a news idea, press release, announcement or personnel change that can affect the industry – call 405-631-5100 or email
Seniors still enjoying Print
In this wireless world of online gadgets and fragmented market places, Seniors still hold true to the printed newspaper while the teen readers explore the electronic world. Targeting teens with that perfect vehicle is almost impossible as something new is added everyday. But with seniors it’s never been so easy. Often, finding a senior with email can be difficult and studies have proven seniors don’t respond well to the “new fangled” online media. But seniors stick with the tried and true print editions – and if you want to attract their business then you will want to stay with what has worked for hundreds of years while tip-toeing into the electronic market place. Oklahoma’s Senior News and Living, along with it’s sister publication Oklahoma’s Nursing Times, are the ONLY free, local publication allowed to be distributed at Walmart locations throughout the metro area. AND… WE ARE GROWING! With single copy and subscription delivery, our circulation is one of the only newspapers continuing to grow.
With thousands of readers, Oklahoma’s Senior News and Living is the ONLY SENIOR NEWSPAPER IN THE STATE. Serving the Senior population with features, news items, and information on special events – we serve as the most complete monthly senior resource – complete with all the information needed to make mature living comfortable and fun. With well known Oklahoma Seniors featured every month, every issue will surprise and entertain.
FREE AT STANDS – Subscriptions are $57.00 per year or $81.00 for two years.
Ad rates to fit every budget! From $66.00/3 MONTHS line ads in the classifieds to $25.50 directory listings to full color retail ads accompanied by full service professional writers to support your business. Oklahoma’s Senior News and Living will help you grow your business!
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