by Vickie Jenkins
Anna Diaz is the Administrator of Noble Health Care Center in Noble, OK. The city of Noble declared July 22nd as Noble Health Care Center Day in recognition of the staff and employee’s loyalty, hard work and devotion to the elderly of their community and achievement in the Best Practices and Administrator of the Year awards.
Today, celebrating Noble Health Care Center Day, representatives from local hospices, dental agencies, retirements centers, etc. are on hand for the big event. The celebration is open to all. Balloons are hung, music is playing and plenty of food is being served. The music is provided by the Tinker Flying High Band and even ‘Elvis’ will be making an appearance, singing songs along with his famous dance moves.
Diaz has been at Noble Health Care Center for 21 years. “I just love these people so much,” she says. “It’s so easy to get attached to them because there is such a strong bond between us. I always remember why I am here; to touch lives. We have a very caring staff and I feel like they give their all to our residents. It’s like we are one big happy family, “ Diaz adds. “Some of our residents have lived here for a long time and I can’t tell you how close we become to that person and their families. We receive thank-you cards all the time from family members. It is so touching to be a part of this extended family.”
Asking Diaz what her greatest asset is, she replies. “I believe in longevity and a caring staff. We care for each other and we definitely work as a team. We laugh and we smile and we care for each other.”
Diaz thinks that Noble Health Care Center is the best nursing home around. “I think it is because of the tender loving care that each employee and each staff member share with the residents. It’s the caring that makes a difference, making our facility stand out from the rest. Love is present throughout the home and I think we all feel it; the residents and the staff. We are happy and positive and it shows each time we are with our residents. It’s not about the building where these residents live, but it’s about each individual and the strong foundation of the people on the inside that make up this home.”
When asking Diaz what her most rewarding thing about her job was, she answered. “Oh, it’s definitely the hugs from the residents. I usually can’t get down the hallway without someone giving me a hug or me taking the time to stop and chat for a minute. I love the people here. I feel so good about knowing how I am touching another person’s life in the smallest way. Sometimes, a smile, a hug, a kind gesture is all it takes. I know it is a true blessing because it is the residents that touch my life. To tell you the truth, we need each other.”
“What do you think is your biggest challenge here at the facility?” I ask. “I think it is the fact that I want to make sure everyone is happy. I can always tell if someone is having a bad day. We try to have good times, staying positive in every way. I realize that whatever I do is going to reflect back on me so I need to be the best I can be.”
“There are many activities offered to the residents here. We play board games, and listen to music. There are entertainers that come to the facility. We have different people come in with their music and the residents enjoy that so much. We have arts and crafts for the residents and church services. We have a good time,” Diaz says.
Asking Diaz if she had any words of wisdom or words to live by, she replied, “Yes, I live an Ephesians 3:20 life which is from Journey Church.”
‘God can do anything you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His spirit deeply and gently within us.’