Christmas is a time for GIVING. Let’s have a TOON HUNT!
We’ve placed Christmas TOONS throughout this issue. Count the Christmas TOONS and TEXT the total number, with your name and phone number, to 405-631-5100. 1st and 2nd texter with correct number, WINS a free one year subscription to SN&L ($43.75 value each) PLUS a $25 gift card! 3rd place wins a $25 Gift Card! All entries will receive a free copy of our digital Flip Page Edition of SN&L each month (with email address)! Everyone’s a winner! TOONS are not hidden, but look in stories, ads and features!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Contest begins December 5th and ends Christmas Day! No entries will be accepeted prior to 12/05/23.
This one counts! 
* No purchase necessary * Must provide email address for digital edition. * FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS – Even with more than 500 locations to pick up a copy, you just can sit back and wait for your personal copy – mailed first class directly to you!